14 May 12
The inaugural NOLApalooza! at Chelsea’s Cafe, was a smashing success! More than $16,000 was raised for the Jeff Nola ’94 Memorial Scholarship Fund at Catholic High School. This donation will push the fund into self-sustaining status, meaning the money can now be used to defray tuition costs for a deserving student! A heartfelt thanks goes out to all that made this event possible, especially our Sponsor Partners.
Click here to view pictures from the VIP event!
Click here to view pictures from the Questionable at Best performance!

21 Jan 12
The first order of business for the BPF is to fund the Jeff Nola Memorial Scholarship fund at Catholic High School in Baton Rouge. Please donate today!

21 Jan 12
It’s official! Some of us who knew and loved Jeff Nola have created the Barefoot Pedals Foundation to raise money for causes that exemplify the values he held dear. Please take a few minutes to check out the website (www.barefootpedalsfoundation.org), and consider contributing today. Thanks!